The SMERU Research Institute

Employment Opportunities

The SMERU Research Institute (SMERU) is an independent institution for research and policy studies. Our scope of work covers a wide range of socioeconomic issues, primarily from the perspective of poverty and inequality (read our history here).

We have 20+ years of experience in research focusing on poverty and inequality, social protection, and human development in Indonesia. We actively work to promote pro-poor policies at the national and regional levels through research-based evidence. We implement Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) approach in all of our work.



Posisi: Asisten Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)

Lokasi Kerja: Kantor The SMERU Research Institute
Masa kerja: Penuh waktu (12 bulan, dengan kemungkinan perpanjangan kontrak)

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Lamaran harus dikirimkan paling lambat Selasa, 25 Februari 2025 pukul 23:59 WIB.